Wednesday, September 22, 2010

¿..does such music exist..?

Well, as you might have noticed, I've "revised" the blog title.... the previous title was pretty boring.... and I hope this new name better reflects the nature of what I write. I hope.

In view of that, I want to start with a comic book... Mortadelo, by Francisco Ibáñez. The one pictured isn't the one I've got... mine is a great thick thing with lots of his stuff in.

His work seems highly slapstick-oriented, and his antiheroes are always getting squashed or boiled or having 80000 volts coursing through them. It's full of lovely spanish exclamations, phrases, exhortations.... plus some amazing onomatopoeic words as well.

All great fun, if not the absolute apex of intellectual literature.

Next section... I want to engage you readers.... in a quest. As you are aware, I love to find clever, beautiful, interesting or quirky Spanish-language music for me, and to show you.

But there are some things I can't find. What things, you ask....

Well, I can't find any Rap/Hip-hop which is done with wit/intelligence in Spanish.All that I can find is the usual posturing musclemen jigging around and being disgusting. To show you what I mean by "good" sorts of rap/hip-hop, here is an English one ( Scroobious Pip) and a French one ( Diam's).

What I want you to tell me is, who is doing this sort of thing in Spanish??????

Here we go... Diam's first with the lovely Enfants du Désert. Lovely song, beautiful video....

Now Scroobious Pip with The Beat that my Heart skipped... it's catchy, clever, witty.... he's such a confident performer...

OK, the ball's in your court... where is the Spanish-language equivalent?

And now the ever-popular Music Spot ( well, I like it anyway)......
a brilliant, beautiful live song from Vetusta Morla.... A Tientas .....

Brilliant guitar playing too... What a song!

Well, after many tries I have found the lyrics on a Vetusta Morla forum... though the writer does say at the end that he is not sure of a few things... listening through it there seems to be a couple of verses missing at the front, and there are some looping backs which aren't indicated. It's a start though.

Tus latidos dicen, "Nunca más"
Hoy nadie mira hacia atrás
Vuela alto en tu caballo de seda (roja)

Tus latidos dicen, "Nunca más"
Hoy nadie mira hacia atrás
Vuela alto en tu caballo de seda

Miras y ríes por no llorar
Ríes para cantar
una historia forzada sin principio ni final

Una historia de princesas
que no tienen reino
que no tienen rumbo

Viven a tientas
con un sueño a cuestas
en su cabeza

¿Hasta dónde tú quieres llegar?
Dice aquel señor de barba espesa
Con sorpresa por verte cambiada

¿Hasta dónde tú quieres llegar?
Dice aquel señor de barba espesa

De lo de SIN HACER NAAAA no estoy muy segura.. no me acuerdo y se escucha un poco mal, pero a ver si os suena bien a vosotros.

Otra cosa, de las dos versiones de A tientas, en una parece que dice "HISTORIA FORJADA" y en otra "FORZADA"... ¿qué opináis?

ALa, y con esto ya os dejo en paz un ratito..jajaja

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