Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Page 99...

A couple of days ago I found a cheap paperback ( Penguin) of the English version of Love in the time of Cholera by Marquez. Cheap as chips at £1.49 !

As I generally do, I had a flick through to get the "feel" of the book, to see if it was the sort of thing I would like.

Fashionably, I then did the " Page 99" test...apparently page 99 is the one to look at to get a good idea if you will like it.

Well, I did like it.

And now I am going to turn it into a Dual-Language book by getting the Spanish version... in fact it is winging ( or probably training or lorrying) its way to me right now.

To beginners like me it is a fantastic help to have both versions... even if they happen to be separate books. Us starters can often get bogged down in tricky idiomatic phrases, or a complex paragraph of tricky sentences and/or words you can't find the meaning of, or local dialect words...and this can hold you up and be very frustrating.... then you start to run yourself down and think you are an idiot... then you get fed up and think you will never get anywhere... and so it goes on.

This cycle of despair is not good for the psyche!

EXAMPLE... When I was reading El misterio de la cripta embrujada, I got completely bogged down with the first 2-3 pages. There were various words I couldn't find in my dictionaries, I thought my translation must be wonky because it didn't seem to make sense, a character called Dr Chilfurga suddenly appeared and I couldn't work out what he had to do with it etc.

Now, had I had the English version, which I didn't, I could have sorted it all out, learned the new words, got the general idea of what was going on and launched into the next few pages thoroughly refreshed.

Another plus point with reading famous books like this, is that they often come out as films... which this has, and there are often books ABOUT them, which there are for El Amor....

Now here's a simple bit of music with an understated acoustic version by Satin Dolls of their song Luces...

here's the words from musica.com

Solo veo oscuridad
y no se como sonreir,
solo siento dolor,
no encuentro la felicidad.

Se que hay, algo mas,
y no se como encontrar,
las luces, oh oh oh, luces, oh oh oh.

No dejo de llorar
y no se como llenarme,
no dejo de llorar,
lo unico que siento es vacio.

Se que hay, algo mas,
y no se como encontrar,
las luces, oh oh oh, luces, oh oh oh.

Fuente: musica.com
Letra añadida por dianadolls

And here for your entertainment is a Satin Dolls interview thingy...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Snappy Answers...

I think I have written about Snappy Answers before... in the marvellous and fascinating book "Breaking Out of Beginners' Spanish" Joseph Keenan devotes a chapter to a wonderfully confidence-building array of quick, snappy answers to suit most occasions.
What a good idea.

So, since then, I have kept up , and added to, my own collection of these rapid-fire replies, including some of his of course.

Whatever you are reading, you will come across them... so write them down, and practise them.

Here is a snapshot of some of my collection.

Quite a few of these can be used even if you didn't understand a single word of the question..........

Verdad............. really?
en serio ?.......... really?
Imaginese! ...........imagine that!
qué mas da ? ..........who cares?
y qué .................. so what
y ........................so what
Cual es tu opinion ? ..... what's your opinion?
me temo que sí ............. I am afraid it's true.
ojalá .......................I wish
Siempre pasa igual........... it's always the same
Ahora ya sabemos dónde estamos..... now we know where we are
Vaya por Dio..................... oh dear!
ca! ..............................not a bit of it!
piensa en todas las posibilidades antes de que empecéis a divertiros.....think of all the possibilities before starting to enjoy yourself.
Asi es la vida....................... such is life
no me extraña.......................No wonder!
Vete tú a saber .................... God knows
Trato hecho ...................... it's a deal
hecho ..............................done!
Ya basta .........................enough! cut it out!
Vamos andando .....................that's how it goes.
Y a mi qué ......................... what's it to me?
Pero me vale gorro.................. I don't give a damn
No es para tanto.....................There's no need for that
Que fresco ! .........................What a cheek!
Habráse visto ?........................Did you ever?!
No doy más abasto.......................It's too much!
De mucho interés.......................Very interesting
Quia! ..................................What nonsense
Nanay!...................................No way!
Que bararidad!............................How awful!
Para nada.................................No way.
Disparate !................................rubbish... a crazy idea.
Que no puedo más!.......................... I can't take it any more!
Que te parte un rayo ........................go to hell
Parece mentira ...............................would you believe it?
Ya............................................I know.
Ya te digo ....................................you're telling me.
Venga!.........................................good idea
Esta bien............................... OK
Seguro ! ..............................sure
De acuerdo .......................OK. all right.
Para nada.........................no way
En absoluto! .......................absolutely NOT
N'ombre .................................. no way
No peude ser! .................... that can't be!!
A poco ........................you must be kidding!

But just remember folks... body language speaks volumes as well.

I'm tired of typing now!... this is just some of my list, but I would love to collect more, so please contribute if you can.... also there are bound to be mistakes, so please let me know..

More peeks into the wonderful " Observer's Book of Spanish" in the future.

Well, music time looms once more.Today it's Marwan + Conchita with a live version of Qué Pasa... it takes about a minute of chatting with the audience to get under way, but ends with a fine embrace!

Here are the words, thanks to Fuente Musica.com .........

Me canso de la gente que no tiene
el corazón más que para su cuerpo.
Me canso de llorar tanto por dentro ..
recuerdo que a uno con mi nombre ayer le vi riendo.

Mi vientre se retuerce de dolor por las aceras,
la cordura nunca pierde la cabeza ..
se me ha acabado el saldo y la paciencia
y aquí estoy agarrando con las uñas las promesas.

No sé qué pasa últimamente ..
que siempre me peleo con cada canción que escribo.
No sé qué pasa últimamente ..
será por todos los botones que yo no te quito.

No sé qué pasa últimamente ..
me pesa más el cuerpo si me siento más vacío.
Y yo no sé qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa,
qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa ..

Ayer el hastío no pasaba
a buscarme por la puerta de mi casa.
A menudo, pienso que la madrugada
es la materia prima que revienta nuestras almas.

A veces, yo me canso de acostarme con el viento ..
me arrincona en los bares el deseo.
A veces, miro a fuera y descubro ..
que aunque haya gente cerca estamos solos en el mundo.

No sé qué pasa últimamente ..
que siempre me peleo con cada canción que escribo.
No sé qué pasa últimamente ..
será por todos los botones que yo no te quito.

No sé qué pasa últimamente ..
me pesa más el cuerpo si me siento más vacío.
Y yo no sé qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa,
qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa ..

No sé qué pasa últimamente ..
me pesa más el cuerpo si me siento más vacío.
Y yo no sé qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa,
qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa, qué pasa ..

Fuente: musica.com

Oh... I've just remembered that I meant to start with a clip from Father Ted... maybe you remember the episode where they tried to teach Father Jack to use just TWO answers to any question the Bishop might ask him..

Answer 1.......... Yes

Answer 2... That would be an ecumenical matter.

Actually, it worked very well, and people thought him very wise indded.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spanish Mode

A few nights ago the family ray decided to watch Toy Story 3 for the first time.
Me, the Librarian, dog Lottie and cat Poppy all loved the film, but the funniest bit by far...and a real treat for any of you who haven't seen it.... is this section where Buzz Lightyear is inadvertantly switched to " Spanish Mode."

Isn't that just brilliant....if only we all had a button like that... and maybe some day we will.There's more of his Spanish adventures on youtube...but just as an extra, here's a trailer for the film in spanish.....

I've not had time to write much lately as the Librarian has broken her foot and I have finished up being a full-time support worker, cook, washer-up, dog-walker, cat-feeder, shopper, ferryer etc.

Plus I'm busy trying to improve my German and learn Welsh.

Here's a bit of Spanish music for you though....

This is Lidia Guevara and Nadie como ..it's lovely stuff, and a fine video too...

here's the words..

Hace tiempo que no encuentro
la manera, el lugar y el momento.
Hace tiempo que me enfrento al recuerdo.

Busco alguna forma de olvidar,
ando por la calle y al cruzar
paso entre la gente y no veo más.

Y no veo más que caras
que tropiezan con mi voluntad
de poder hayar un hombre que me quiera,
pero sin rechistar,
y que tenga tus manías,
yo también quiero que tenga tu nariz,
y que sólo tenga ojitos para mí.

No sé dónde ir, no sé...
A veces pienso que jamás encontraré
a nadie como tú, nadie como tú,
nadie que consiga escapar de mi vida
sin adiós ni despedidas.
Nadie como tú...

Y me convierto en la princesa
que te espera sentada en la mesa,
mientras se enfría lo nuestro
se enfría la cena.
O tal vez me vendrá como agua de mayo
enamorarme de cualquier vasallo
y lo que sienta por ti yo mejor me lo callo."