Wednesday, December 29, 2010

en la habitación...

It's got to the stage where I need to get to grips with gender....

Because it matters! And there are quite a few Spanish nouns which are exceptions to the -o male and -a female rules, plus there are still more which don't end -a or -o and which don't fit all the other arbitrary and very forgettable other rules which all the grammar books list.

So what do you do ?

As a neat sort of coincidence, there was a fascinating program on R4 this morning about word games, and one of the games was to try putting "Mr." or "Mrs" in front of all your nouns.

It proved remarkably tricky for an English speaker... because it's not at all obvious which it should be for most nouns.

However, as Mr. Fry ( for it was he) pointed out, to speakers of gender-nouned languages this thought is absolutely natural, and gives each noun an extra quality, or shade of meaning, almost in the same way that some people assign colours to nouns.

They went on to discuss how this might/does affect, for example, poetry where ( for example) Baudelaire is known to have used the gender-properties of the nouns he used to emphasise the meaning/symbolism in his poetry.

I have often wondered how native speakers of such languages manage to learn and remember the gender of obscure nouns that they rarely use. Some books tell us that native speakers develop a "feel" for the correct gender.

Personally I doubt this....but in another bizarre coincidence , in that same programme they played another game which touched on this idea of innate "feel."

They called it " Cheese or Font." Players were given a word and had to decide whether it was a cheese or a font! It was not a test of their knowledge... they were meant to do this by "feeling" which was right for a cheese-name, and which was right for a "font-name."

For example, one of the words was "dauphin". After a fair bit of thinking, one decided it was a cheese, the other decided it was a font... in fact this one was both.

[I've just found out that you can play this game online.. just type Cheese or Font into google! ]

It would be interesting to try this on native speakers where they had to decide on the gender of the obscure noun to see how well they did.

There were plenty of other interesting ideas in that program which I will bring up sooner or later.

Anyway, one way of remembering the gender for any noun is to make a mental picture of the noun with either a man or a woman.

An example would be thimble,,,, el dedal in Spanish...but inconvenently masculine so the the obvious woman-thimble link is no good.

You could simply remember that it comes from el dedo = finger.

Or, for example, you could picture Wayne Rooney running round the pitch almost totally covered with a giant thimble.
Or Jeremy Clarkson having trouble changing gear because all ten fingers have thimbles on them...

Let's try another... how about the mink... el visón.. again masculine.
Imagine something really incongruous like Vin Diesel strolling down the road wearing a mink coat.

How about el afán ... ambition/effort... this type is trickier because this is not an actual object... it's again masculine so you can picture thet survivalist Ray Mears making an immense effort to build a fan to keep cool in the desert!

You desperately need to remember that a Partridge... la perdiz... is feminine!
Well, you could simply think of a woman seaching for her lost Partridge( to lose = perder) all over the place...

Or think of all the women in the Partridge Family ( remember them). That'll do!

You get the general idea I'm sure. Remember to make your images strange, weird, rude,scary or whatever so they sink in.

Well, it's music time, and I thought we could have a look at more by that nice Zahara who was with Santi Balmas

....this is she playing live... a lovely, intimate version of En la Habitación... a feminine noun there, obeying the -iôn usually feminine rule!

There's lots of versions of this lovely quiet song to watch...

That is just beautiful! Great audience too.

Thanks to the musicstar site for these words..

Video y Letra de la Cancion En La Habitación – Zahara

Fumo sola en la terraza del hotel
recuerdo el humo
y la cerveza en tus manos.

Anoche las niñas paseaban sus zapatos
y no teníamos nada que perder.
No teníamos nada…

En este cuarto hay demasiado por hacer
y no tengo a nadie con quien echar un rato.
Todos queríamos ser extraordinarios
Podrías hacer algo por volver
podrías hacer algo…

El tiempo en esta habitación me sabe a vino
dedico demasiado a imaginar que estas conmigo
apuro la copa de un trago
dejo el cuerpo en el pasillo
Hoy todo lo demás es lo de menos
Hoy todo lo demás…

Yo confiaba que subieras a mi habitación
y no que te marcharas como hiciste
Las escaleras son interminables
si no hay quien te espere después
si no hay quien te espere…

No hay manera de que vuelve ese miércoles
tengo la sal entre los ojos mojados
Quiero que sepas que eres el culpable
de que hoy me sienta extrañamente bien
de que hoy me sienta extraña…

El tiempo en esta habitación me sabe a vino
dedico demasiado a imaginar que estas conmigo
apuro la copa de un trago
dejo el cuerpo en el pasillo
Hoy todo lo demás es lo de menos
Hoy todo lo demás…
Fuente: MusicstarX.Net

I can't forget that ridiculous image of Wayne bloody Rooney covered with a giant thimble! Good!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Querida Senora LaRue

I thoroughly recommend childrens' books as a way into learning any language. Unfortunately this is the ONLY one I've got in Spanish. It's quite a good story though.

They have loads of advantages to the beginner... they are great fun, they are full of drawings to help you, they are bright and interesting and full of incident, and much of the language is useful stuff in simple sentences.

The trouble is, I got quite a way into Spanish before I got any stuff like this... I jumped straight in after a few months into further-on things like Winny de Puh and suchlike. Also, you don't tend to come across little children's books like this in English charity shops! French... yes, I've got quite a few... Latin, yes... Beatricus Potter etc... Welsh... got plenty in Wales!!... but not Spanish.

PLUS... they're v. expensive, on a pence-per-page basis... on Amazon.

What I would recommend to any real beginners out there, is... if you are going to Spain or Latin America, get some while you are out there..... OR if you know anyone who is going there, get them to get you some.

Anyway, there's another one in this series...

Time for music I think... this is Niños Mutantes with an outdoor acoustic version of Las Noches de Insomnio

and here's the official video for it...

and here are the words from the alternativevolume site... thanks.

Las noches de insomnio
Las tardes de hastío
No estoy para bromas

Y no tengo prisa
Estoy tan vacío
Solo necesito aire
Para respirar

Recuerdo aquel día
Recuerdo aquel sitio
Las cosas que dije

No se si eran ciertas
Lo cierto es que al frío
Nos hizo apretarnos

Tú siempre decías
Que no era bastante
Porque lo querías todo

Yo era más débil
Y no lo entendía
Y puso distancia
Entre tú y yo

Que parecía que nuestra carne se fundiría
en una materia de células vivas
y células muertas
en un solo cuerpo

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ray's Christmas Crackers...

All my regular readers will know how important music is to me... in every post I try to put in some interesting Spanish music. It's a lovely way to reinforce your language skills, pronunciation, vocabulary...everything, including your confidence.... more especially if you make an effort to learn the words and even to sing along. Great in the car!

When I started this blog it spurred me on to find some decent Spanish music... all I knew up to then was Shakira... and though it took a while and a lot of youtubing etc, I actually have found some brilliant stuff. I'm really pleased!

So, in this Christmas edition I want to pick out the outstanding music I have unearthed in a kind of festive fifty sort of way, but not actually 50 if you see what I mean.

But first, a special award for the weirdest video I found.... another chance now to watch Cola Jet Set in action... there's loads of fun to be had here, notably the drummer, the constatn clips of 'phones in case you weren't quite sure... the list goes on. it's just bloody ODD...

Before I go on to the main Top Ten,two more awards... I have a special award for BEST NEWCOMER... and you can probably guess it is going to be that Estrella Morente... here's a different thing of hers...tangos... she's back in that little family gathering (??) where they all just happen to be shit-hot flamenco guitarists and singers...

and this next one gets the award for the HAPPIEST VIDEO... even though the wprds are not entirely happy!... it's Nena Daconte and Ay! Amor...

RIGHT... now on to the main TOP TEN.. I suppose I should do them in reverse order to increase the tension, so at No. 10 it's Facto Delafe and El Indio.

How did he do that??

Right... No 9 goes to a left-field contender, Mala Rodriguez, and I could have chosen any of a number of great performances, but I picked Por la Noche...

At No. 8 I've picked one of the early discoveries I made, Como Yo Te Amo by Niños Mutantes... great video, great song...

Coming in at No 7 is a fine ,live, Vetusta Morla song, A Tientas. They were one of the first bands I found and liked... more from them later...

Just perfect!

Slipping into No 6 is a beautiful Nena Daconte song for which, up to now, I have not been able to show the full proper video.But, I think I have got it now... El Aleph...

A pretty perfect pop song there... gorgeous.

Into the top 5 now, and at No. 5 itself we have Santi Balmas and the wonderful Kim Fanlo with a touching acoustic performance of Domingo Astromantico...

and here's a sneaky extra, the same song done beautifully by Alize and zigoreto, apparently in a little office somewhere.

A song is anything that can walk by itself..

OK then, No. 4 is Love of Lesbian with the quiet, beautiful Universos Infinitos..

And at the all-important No. 3 spot, I have picked the clever, witty, acrobatic and moving Facto Delafe with Mar el poder del mar..

Smart cycling Facto me old mate. At No. 2 it will be the lovely Nena Daconte, the accomplished Joan Tena and the brilliant Cuando Mueren las malditas golondrinas... how I love this...

BUT at the coveted No. 1 spot I have chosen the song that made me realise that there was some incredible Spanish music out there if only I could find it. From Vetusta Morla, the remarkable Al Respirar....

Amazing song, beautiful video, passionate singing... what more can you ask for.

So, there is my Top Ten for the year ...what will next year bring? More brilliant ideas for learning Spanish, more odd sidelines about all things Spanish, more Spanish music.... keep tuning in.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ronnie Corbett- style...

A great way to boost your Spanish and your vocabulary and grammar is to think up song titles and album titles and try to put them into Spanish.
It's got lots of plus points.... you can do it anywhere as you have a healthy stock of titles up there in storage.... you can make them as easy or as hard as you like.... you can do it while you are driving, or in a meeting, or watching paint dry, and it's a nice, self-contained small but interesting "capsule-task."

By the way, album titles in general seem to be a bit more enigmatic and considerably harder to translate well.

Here's a few suggestions, categorised and sorted especially for you...and reading my selection, you will realise how truly ancient I am...

[A] Ought to be dead easy...just one word really..


[B] Still one word, but rather more thought needed...


[C] Adjectives and nouns..

Little Shoes
Available space
The Sensual World
Sweet thing
The littlest birds
Soft as chalk
Big Yellow taxi
Parallel Lines
Blue Horse
The ninth wave
Southern Man
Another day
Another Green World
Stupid girl
Deeper understanding
Big stripey lie
99 Red Balloons
Shooting Star

[D] noun lists ?

Cram, crab, cockle, cowry
Peach plum pear
Atom Heart Mother
Rubberband Girl
Love and Theft

[E] Possession and other uses of "of"

Candy's room
The Song of Solomon
Angels of the silences
Constellation of the heart
Most of the time
Shake your hips
Me and my woman
Summer Days
Don't push your foot on the heartbrake
King of Pain
Moments of pleasure
Heart of Gold

[F] Verbs..

You learn
I was hoping
Cry a while
Anna Begins
Maybe I'm amazed
There goes a tenner
Racing in the street
Rust never sleeps
Squeezing out sparks
Running up that hill
Girls just wanna have fun

[G] Imperatives

Let it loose
Stop breaking down
Ring them bells
Eat the music
Walk this way
Kick out the jams
Paint it black

[H] Trickier stuff

The Milk-eyed Mender
An end has a start
Here Come the warm jets
In a beautiful rambling mess
Accidentally in love
Darkness on the edge of town
It's alright ma, I'm only bleeding
Safe as Milk
Trout Mask replica
Feeling all the Saturday

Well... that'll do for a start... try it. You can also do book titles, Films, Band names ( often tricky)... anyway, have a go next time you are stuck in the snow.

As you know, I was mighty impressed with Estrella Morente (Enrique Morente's daughter) last time, and here's another song by her in a more formal setting... with ace guitarist Juan Habichuela... anybody who plays the guitar will realise what an amazing player he is... especially the way he makes it look so effortless. He's the bloke in last time's video sitting in the middle looking like a Ronnie Corbett-style retired bank clerk, knocking out those incredible flamenco riffs. Estupendo!

In his fascinating book " The New Spaniards" John Hooper writes... " the flamenco tradition offers one of those links with the world of a younger mankind in which Spain is so rich, for it is capable of generating that feeling of ecstacy whose inculcation is thought to have been the object of all early music. A flamenco singer ought not to perform until he or she has drifted into something approaching a trance - a state of suppressed emotion in which the need for expression gradually becomes so strong that it can no longer be contained."

You can see this ecstatic element in these Estrella Morente performances... and here she is performing " Soleá"

Yep... I'm thoroughly bowled over by that! ... and here are the words....from the lyricsmania site....

Lyrics to La Noche (Solea) : Estrella Morente
Por que te llamas Aurora
Que me acuesto a la raya del día
Si te llamaras Custodia
a la iglesia no saldría
Si te llamaras Custodia
a la iglesia no saldría

Te compro más camisas
Te compro más camisas
Y porque yo no he visto altares
'pa' que otro diga misa
Ni te miro ni te hablo
ni te compro más camisas

La noche del barro cayó
la noche del barro cayó

la noche del barro cayó
la noche del barro
y en vez de salí desnuda
salió 'vestia' de blanco
y en vez de salí desnuda
salió 'vestia' de gracia

(Gracias a Carmen por esta letra)
Por que te llamas Aurora
Que me acuesto a la raya del día
Si te llamaras Custodia
a la iglesia no saldría
Si te llamaras Custodia
a la iglesia no saldría

Te compro más camisas
Te compro más camisas
Y porque yo no he visto altares
'pa' que otro diga misa
Ni te miro ni te hablo
ni te compro más camisas

La noche del barro cayó
la noche del barro cayó

la noche del barro cayó
la noche del barro
y en vez de salí desnuda
salió 'vestia' de blanco
y en vez de salí desnuda
salió 'vestia' de gracia

Sunday, December 19, 2010


A liitle while ago I finished a thoroughly enjoyable book... Los Cretinos ( originally The Twits by Roald Dahl.) I'm sure I talked about it at the time.

Anyway, looking through it again today my bookmark dropped out... I use these to make a note of words I have looked up or need to track down etc...I do this with all the stuff I read.

All the things on the list mostly go into my "proper" Spanish notebook... so it has the advantage that I write them down twice and generally say them twice as well. Usually I will also try to think of some smart way of remembering them as well... as I have demonstrated in previous articles.

Anyhow, to show you what I do, and to give you some idea of what level I am at and the sort of things I have to look up, here is what was on the bookmark... well, most of it...

restregar.... to rub
la manga.... sleeve
apeticible.. desirable, tasty
revolver.... to turn upside down
mohoso.... mouldy
cochino..... filthy
maloliente.... evil-smelling
espantosa fealdad.... horrible, unsightly
vistazo.... a sight
apoderar.... to empower, to take possession of
a medida que.... in proportion to....
envejecer.... to grow old
empieza a notarse en su cara ... it starts to show on her face
que apenas puedes soportar el mirala... you can hardly stand to look at her
tales que ... such as
puedes apostar tu vida... you can bet your life
tramando o algo .... plotting something
volcar.... to overturn/upset/capsize/pour out,over
la almohada ... pillow/cushion
las sabanas... the sheets
encoger... to shrink

You can see it was a good book... lots of insults, arguments, daft behaviour etc.You will also see that only sometimes did I do the right thing and write a sentence or phrase... mostly it's just the word. My excuse is... it's only a little bit of paper.

I also write copiously on the pages as well... I see nothing wrong with it... and I also really like it when I buy an old book and find what other people have written in it.... sometimes many many years ago.

You won't get that with the Kindle I can tell you!

By the way, the Spanish word for a footnote is also the word for a wedge. It makes sense!
In one of my very early articles I mentioned that I had found, in a junk shop as usual, an odd CD by Enrique Moreno... him at the top there... called Omega, and I posted a couple of videos of the songs on there. Very emotional stuff, including translations of Leonard Cohen (First we take Manhattan) and poems by Lorca....

Well, Morena has died, on my birthday in fact, Dec 13th. There was a big obituary in the Independent on Friday. I had no idea how famous he was, and how he had pioneered, very controversially, the blending of Flamenco with other forms.. pop music, dance etc. Omega was his big breakthrough which launched his successful career.

So.... here's another of his songs... which I think typifies his approach. Flamenco is not something I know how to appreciate... I need a video called " A beginner's guide to what Flamenco is all about."

And as an added bonus, this is Estrella Morente...actually, this is pretty amazing, and could well be the first video on that video I was suggesting... bloody impressive!!... take a look...

Friday, December 17, 2010


When I was 22222 days old I got a present from my daughter... a brilliant book about old Natural History books... and their illustrations...

She got it really because of all the Latin in it... as most old books like this were written all or partly in Latin. However, I was amazed to find that the very first botanical specimens to be described from the Americas was written by a Spaniard, one Nicolas Monardes, in a book publsihed in Seville in 1569.

A little later, another expedition set off to New Mexico ( called New Spain then) led by Francisco Hernandez ( 1514- 15870 who was the physician to Philip 11 of Spain. His discoveries ( in 16 volumes) were kept in the Escorial in Madrid, and later edited by one Nardo Antonio de Recchi...and his manuscript got to America where it was translated into Spanish ( having been originally in Latin) by Father Francisco Ximenez at the convent of Santo Domingo, and published in Merxico City in 1615 .

There were various later expeditions and works, much of the results being held in store in Madrid's botanical gardens... apparently they are still there!

In 1954 (!!!) some of these discoveries were published as the first of 51 (!!!) volumes under the splendiferous title " Flora de la Real Expeditiôn Botánica del Nuevo Reino de Granada."

Here is a picture of José Celestino Mutis, the man who organised and financed this expedition, admiring one of the multitude of specimens ...

So there you are. Spain leads the world in botanical exploration.I just thought you would like to know.

More useful knowledge coming up, in our latest bit of MAFALDA..

In Mafalda's world there are always little crazes of the sort children have. In this one it is Yo-yos.

At last Mafalda herself cracks and buys one from the ultra-capitalist kid, Manolito.At least, that's what we think.

Mafalda turns up and shows her new Yo-yo to Felipe, Yo-yo expert!

Mirá, Felipe.. al final, yo también me compré un yo-yo. Querés probarlo ?

Felipe...... A ver ??

Felipe takes the yoy-yo, and at the first spin it smashes in tiny pieces.

Mafalda shouts (laughing) ... CAÍSTE ! CAÍSTE !! as Felipe looks downcast.

Felipe then finds the vendor, Manolito, grasps him by the lapels and shouts...

Así que fuiste vos el que le vendio un alfajor a Mafalda?

Now I didn't get this at all until I found out what "alfajor" meant... though it means something rather different in Spain and S\A. Mafalda is S/A. sso it is rather like our Wagon Wheels. ... here is one...

so you can see how it would look like a Yo-yo to poor old Felipe.

Right... that's enough of facts..what about music.

Well, it's La Ley and an unplgged version of El Duelo..

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I know I've been away for ages.... apart from anything else. my monitor, which had been getting darker and darker by the day, eventually collapsed, plunging everything into blackness! But now I have another monitor, small, ancient, cheap but it works... rather like me.

So what, Spanishwise, have I been up to... well, reading books as usual at criminally slow speeds... and I've also got going again with Welsh... though that is one hell of a task because it is, grammatically, the opposite of Spanish to some extent... i.e. complex, irrational, awkward ... and with a totally alien vocabulary, unlike Spanish which , being Latin/Romance-based, is a doddle.

I have been dipping into a book I picked up in a charity shop.... Arrancame la Vida by Angeles Mastretta. I couldn't find a picture of the cover but i did find a few reviews of it...

Review 1…
Arracancame la Vida' shows Angeles Mastretta at her best, growing as one of the more talented writers in Latin-America. Only someone like her -a strange mix of a provincial burgeois background and a passion for literature- can take us so vividly to the humid corridors of Teziutlán, the intricacies of passion and the Puebla of the 40's. For those reading Spanish, check her beautiful stories in NEXOS, a monthly magazine available on the Internet. Fine book.

Review 2…
Very good book. Although some other people that have reviewed this book might not have noticed it, this is actually the story of part of the life of Maximino Avila Camacho, governor of the state of Puebla during the forties and called Andrés Ascencio in the story. Other important people mantioned are: Mexican tycoon Emilio Azcárraga Milmo (Milito), owner of Televisa (Mexico's biggest TV company), and Manuel Avila Camacho, Maximino's brother who was president of Mexico during the mid/late 40's. I know all this because I come from Puebla, just like the author of the book. I even know some of her relatives!

Review 3….This book gives the reader an insight into what it's like to be a woman from the heart, the mind and the belly. Just as it makes you laugh on one page and cry on another, it will also make you so angry you'll stay up at night... angry at her, angry at her husband and angry at yourself because you find something likeable in the horrible husband of this likeable woman. I loved it!

oh... I've found a picture of the cover after all...

and... I didn't know this till just now... there is a film of it too... here is a clip...this sort of thing doesn't happen much in the UK I can tell you...!!

One feature... my copy has beautiful, almost Art-Deco illustrations which enhance it a lot.

The other book I've been reading a bit is the 3rd Harry Potter book.. Harry Potter y el prisonero de Azkaban. I've found the Harry Potter books to be very good for beginners... the French versions are pleasant, easy reading for "improvers" like me, the Latin versions are a welcome change from Pliny and Livy I can assure you...and the Spanish versions are fine. Good, undemanding bedtime reading, or to keep in the car for when you have to wait 20 mins for the Librarian to come out of Sainsbury's.

One of the real pleasures of Spanish is the excellent and varied music. Here again is the excellent but perhaps not too varied but always inventive Facto Delafeand El Indio... a rather puzzling video this!!

and here's the words....

Del alba, el rosa
De dracula, lo rojo
Domingo la bici,
domingo reposo
Del viento la brisa,
tu cara tu sonrisa
Despierto tras la siesta,
tenederé la ropa

La ropa se seca,
regare las plantas
Cortare las hojas,
o las dejaré largas
Legañas en los ojos,
lentejas en remojo
Me miras el trasero (mmmm),
y lo meneo

Julio en la onda, cinco de la tarde
leche con galletas y yo dentro del pijama
empieza la jornada ¿que tal el partido?
Mi equipo ya a marcado, casi siempre gana

Bajo la manta mi niña acurrucada,
el sofa es como una balsa,
el salon en la penumbra,
alquilamos una peli y acabamos en la cama

Jugando a vaqueros y haciendo un poco el indio
pito pito gorgorito, que me voy, que ya me he ido
que ya he vuelto, que si que si que si,
que a tu lado como un crio

Que a tu lado lo rizo, a tu lado la crema,
a tu lado lo subo, lo elevo, lo asciendo,
lo vuelo y lo planeo
peinando las nubes (si) pintando el cielo

Hecho lo hecho y dicho lo dicho,
preparare la cena, porque estaba escrito
porque estaba escrito, porque estaba escrito
verdurita buena, si!!

En un dos por tres o en un tres por cuatro,
tu cara tu retrato, en mi corazon.
guardado entre sedas, como las estrellas,
brillo! A tu son

Dale gas es natural, es bueno
y si es bueno, es natural que si
es natural y es bueno
y si es bueno, yo juego, dale gas (bis)

Dale gas, dale gas, dale gas...