Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nelly Furtado in Rabbit outfit??

Today I missed out on getting the Spanish-language film Cronos from Film4.
I check through the Radio Times every week looking for foreign films and missed this one... why? Because it was on around midday. In general I don't look there because 99% of the time film4 has duff old crap on at that time.... foreign stuff is usually late-night.


Another ridiculous disaster occurred when I grabbed another Spanish film. La Antena, from the TV. This proved less than wonderful because when I watched it, I found that it was virtually silent. and, by the way, in black-and-white too. This is not good for the language learner.

A quick whizz through the new radio times shows that there are at least 2 Spanish-language films on next week...

[a] At 11pm, Film4 Sunday 24th we have Pan's Labyrinth.
[b] At 11 am (!!) Film4 Thursday 28th we get The Sea Inside.

I haven't checked all the other channels yet... but I this space.

Pan's Labyrinth is a very odd and very powerful, even scary film. It scared me. Here's the trailer and a review...

99 of 107 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Into the labyrinth, 25 Feb 2007
By E. A Solinas "ea_solinas" (MD USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Pan's Labyrinth (Exclusive to - Limited Edition Art Cards and Slipcase) [DVD] [2006] (DVD)
If anyone wants to know where the dark, creepy fairy tales of old went, here's a hint: Guillermo del Toro is doing a pretty good job with the fairy tales for adults.

"Pan's Labyrinth" ("El Laberinto del Fauno") is a sequel of sorts to "The Devil's Backbone," a magical realism film about the Spanish Civil War. But this movie takes us deeper into a world that is half real, half ominous fairy tale, with a unique and imaginative story and some really excellent acting -- in short, a triumph.

Time and place: 1944, Spain. Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) and her very pregnant mother travel to meet her new stepfather, the brutal and murderous Captain Vidal (Sergi López). Ofelia loathes her new stepfather, but is transfixed by the eerie forests around them -- and one night she is visited by a fairy, and encounters a giant faun who tells her that she is Princess Moanna of the netherworld, and must return there.

To do so, he tells her that she must do three things, and gives her a strange book. Ofelia menages first task, but is frightened out of her wits by the second task, which involves a hideous monster with eyes in its hands. Even worse, her mother's pregnancy is getting more dangerous. As the guerillas and the fascists clash, Ofelia faces being trapped outside the netherworld forever...

Fairy tales have become cleaned-up and cutesy over time, so that children can read them without nightmares. But del Toro knows that the best fairy tales are the eerie, bizarre ones for adults, that are connected somehow to the real world. That is what makes "Pan's Labyrinth" so brilliantly dark and heartfelt.

Del Toro obviously crafted this with care, directing it in a dreamlike style and brilliant visuals. The eerie atmosphere of Ofelia's wanderings -- the delicate yet menacing faun, the chalk doors, the monuments, and the pasty nightmare with eyes in its palms -- is both a contrast and a parallel with the everyday world, which Ofelia hopes to escape.

At first, it seems like the post-Civil War and fairy tale stories don't mesh, until you see that the "real world" story is Ofelia's motivation to escape from all the fear, pain and sorrow. But Del Toro's biggest triumph is an ending that is beautifully bittersweet, and which turns out to hinge on Ofelia's newborn brother.

But del Toro's biggest triumph is in the instant connection we feel to Ofelia, with her love of the fantastical and her desire to go somewhere "safe." Baquero is absolutely wonderful in this, as a girl who isn't entirely of this world -- in her heart, she belongs somewhere beyond. And López is the ideal villain -- you spend the whole movie wanting to see him gruesomely killed.

Half "Mirrormask" and half gritty war story, "Pan's Labyrinth" is one of the best fantasy stories in years -- dark, passionate and beautifully made. Definitely a great movie.

Well... that's clear enough. it's dead cheap on Amazon as well.

As for The Sea Inside, I've no idea, but here is a video clip and a review... what a surprise..

14 February 2005 | by hall10000 (London) –

THE SEA INSIDE a film by Alejandro Amenabar.

Almodovar has always single handed the flag for Spanish cinema for years now, out of nowhere came Amenabar reinventing genres and injecting some new blood to the otherwise malfunctioning Spanish industry, now in a big gamble he switches from psychological terror to social drama, well the big ones would be, are audiences ready to embrace the swing and more important can he hold the flag? This is the story of Ramon Sampedro, a sailor that in his twenties was paralyzed from the neck down in an accident at the sea and his fight with the Spanish government for the right to end his life. The story has the traces of an afternoon made for TV melodrama and the only way this is going to work is through words and honest performances and they both come in spades. Mateo Gil and Amenabar co-write in a way where the audience is not meant to be lead blind to a death end but they are encouraged to make up their own minds in the process and that is a brilliant stroke, this is not a movie pro death but a movie in favour of the ultimate illusions of our time LIBERTY. There is a few laughs spare a long the way, like when the church comes home in a wheel chair to deconstruct Sampedro beliefs but is mostly a valley of tears through out, punches coming from all fronts even when you think you are safe his father that to that point didn't make any sense comes up with the most moving line of the entire movie. It is a heartbreaking experience specially when Sampedro seems more full of life than most the people wandering the streets and everyone around him tries to convince him of the wonders of life even those who are helping him to die… but when you strip a man of his dreams… The film is almost exclusively built on close ups bringing a claustrophobic feeling that makes the audience more sympathetic with Sampedro. That's for the actors a huge challenge that must construct their whole performances with their eyes and the eyes don't lie. Bardem was not granted his second Oscar nomination, probably in favour of Eastwood, but in my opinion he was the only one who could have shadowed Jammie Fox. This role reminds me of the great Gregory Peck in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD where the acting looked effortless and I reckon Bardem has reached that status where the line of what is acting and what is real has become completely blur. I was never fond of his early work but since Almodovar's LIVE FLESH he is on a roll, LOS LUNES AL SOL, THE DANCER UPSTAIRS and the Oscar nominated BEFORE THE NIGHT FALLS made him an international star and although he and Banderas come from the same Almodovar background is fascinating to see how different paths they took and how Bardem has now become a real reference for Spanish cinema in the whole world. A golden globe, 14 Goyas, jury prize at Venice and probably an Oscar with permission from THE CHORUS BOYS, Amenabar directs, co-write, edits and puts music to a high caliber drama, he has pull it off… what about some Science Fiction now? Whose life is it anyway?****.

Well. .. I tend not to like what I call "worthy" films but this might be worth a go.

Well, you can't say that you haven't been told.
But now to lighter matters.
I've not mentioned Nelly Furtado at all I think... but here she is with the hip-hopper La Mala Rodriguez in a rather witty/silly video for the song " Bajo otra Luz."

"Serious" rap artists like La Mala can often get flak from their fans when they do this sort of thing... it has happened to Diam's in France.Aren't serious people allowed to be less serious occasionally then?

And hey... loads of Gerunds in this... count them if you can.....

Thanks to the wonderful lybio ( site for these very detailed lyrics...

Qué pasa?
La Mala

[Nelly Furtado]
Hay algo que va a suceder. Nose que es
Se desprende toda sensacion que no puedo ver
Será que el sol esta brillando distinto a lo acostumbrado
En la mañana, esta mañana

Lo que antes me afectaba ya no me dice tanto
Alguien quien alguna vez ame se ha ido borrando
Sera la vida que se yo?
Casualidad pense en mi voz Te fui llamando llamando

Sere yo o serás tú
Todo esta tan diferente eres tú
Sere yo o seras tú
Todo parece puesto bajo otra luz

[Nelly Furtado]
No supe qe es qe llegue a este momento
Donde escucho el tono de tu voz y voy corriendo
Será que estoy enamorandome sin querer
Nose bien nose bien

Sere yo o serás tú
Todo esta tan diferente eres tú
Sere yo o seras tú
Todo parece puesto bajo otra luz
On you can find - The Largest community of social networking with text-script-video blogging service.

El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste

[La Mala]
Nene puedo saltar al vacio
Y liberarme de lo qe se supone que es mio
Lo miro eternamente en un colchon mollidolo miro
Sin reparar en la lucha que hiciste mal
Bajo otra luz me encuentro
Y es dificil de olvidarme
De que vine pa quedarme
Sin temor a enamorarme
Y allegandome como semilla que busca calor

Sere yo o serás tú
Todo esta tan diferente eres tú
Sere yo o seras tú
Todo parece puesto bajo otra luz

El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste

El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste
El color de mi vida cambio desde que tu llegaste

Nelly Furtado – Bajo Otra Luz – Featuring – La Mala Rodriguez. No supe qe es qe llegue a este momento. Donde escucho el tono de tu voz y voy corriendo. Será que estoy enamorandome sin querer. Nose bien nose bien. Sere yo o serás tú. Todo esta tan diferente eres tú. Sere yo o seras tú. Todo parece puesto bajo otra luz Complete Full Text, Written Words, Reader, Lyrics, Song, Words And Text By Nelly Furtado – Bajo Otra Luz – Featuring – La Mala Rodriguez.

On the Complete Collection Of Accurate Speeches, Text, Words, Quotes and Lyrics.

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